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Family Puppies

Raised by our Family, 

for Your Family

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Welcome to Family Puppies

Whether or not your family “fits the mold” or consists of a “party of one”, a good dog can turn your house into a home. Good dogs love unconditionally. They are easy to train and are well behaved. How a puppy is raised and socialized in the first two months will set the stage for their entire lives, influencing everything from separation anxiety to trainability. This is why it is so important for puppies to be raised in a loving environment from the time they are born.

Every family deserves a good dog, and every dog deserves a good family. We place our breeding dogs into guardian homes, where they have a loving family that cares for them day in and day out. It's a win-win, win-win-win situation; the guardian family gets a great dog, the dog gets a fantastic home, and through all this we create a sustainable program to give you well cared for puppies to make your family happy. It's that simple.

With our guardian program, we can breed responsibly without the confinement and over breeding commonly found in puppy mills. With our 20+ years of experience, we can breed confidently without the mistakes and overlooked details common to backyard breeding. With our dedication to raising Family Puppies, you can be confident in your new best friend.  

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What Breed Fits Your Family?


Goldendoodles are a tried and true classic. They inherit the family quality of the golden retriever, and the curly coat of the poodle. They are less prone to health problems than goldens. 

We breed standard, mini, and toy goldendoodles.



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Bernedoodles are a rising favorite; with the size, markings, and love of a bernese mixed with the curl and intelligence of a poodle, what's not to love? 


We breed standard, mini, and toy bernedoodles.


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